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  ( 20xx年真题Section Ⅱ Reading Comprehension Part A Text 2第2段 第2句)

  The latest was a panel from the National Academy of Sciences, enlisted by the White House, to tell us

  主语 系动词 表语 后置定语1 后置定语2 后置定语3

  that the Earth’s atmosphere is definitely warming and that the problem is largely man-made.

  宾语从句1 连词 宾语从句2


  分析:该句中含有很多后置定语,需要在理解的时候找到句子主干,并认清定语成分。该句的`主干为The latest was a panel…,表语panel 后面有三个后置定语,包括由介词from和过去分词enlisted引导的结构,以及不定式to tell us…。其中不定式结构中含有两个并列的宾语从句,由and连接,分别为that the Earth’s atmosphere is definitely warming和that the problem is largely man-made。


  panel ['pnl](n.)面板;控制板,仪表盘;座谈小组,专门小组(CET-4)(20xx年-阅读2、20xx年-阅读2)(pan=plane-平面,el-后缀 → 面板——引申为“控制板,仪表盘”。而该词之所以还表示“座谈小组”,是因为“座谈小组”在开会时都是围坐在一张圆桌前。)

  enlist [inlist](v.)征募,入伍;谋取,赢得(支持等)(超纲词汇)(20xx年-阅读2)(en=in-向里,进入,list-单子 → 把名字写入单子里面——即“入伍,招募”,引申为“谋取,赢得(支持等)”;因为“谋取支持”的过程,就是“招募”支持者的过程。)



  一 约定俗成的表达


  例如:Faith will move mountains.(精诚所至金石为开)

  No pains, no gains.(一份耕耘,一分收获)

  Like father,like son.(虎父无犬女)


  二 虚假长难句

  As funding for science has declined, scientists have attacked anti-science in several books, notably Higher Superstition, by Paul R.Gross, a biologist at the University of Virginia, and Norman Levitt, a mathematician at Rutgers University; and The Demon-Haunted World, by Carl Sagan of Cornell University.


  三 真正的长难句


  His analysis should therefore end any self-contentedness among those who may believe that the global position of English is so stable that the young generations of the United Kingdom do not need additional languages capabilities.

  我们都知道一个句子里有且只能有一个谓语动词,如果有多个谓语动词,一定有与之相连的从属连词,我们看这个句子里边的动词有 should end may believe is do not need, 从属连词有 who that that, 从属连词与其后面最近的谓语动词构成从句结构,所以who 与may believe, that 与is, that 与do not need, 构成从句结构,而should end 前没有从属连词,所以是句子真正的谓语动词,among后是整个句子的'介词结构,所以句子的主干为His analysis should therefore end any self-contentedness。所以当遇到一个长而复杂的句子时,以动词和从属连词为突破口,层层剖析,复杂的句子也就简单了。



  长难句:The phenomenon provides a way for companies to remain globally competitive while avoiding market cycles and the growing burdens imposed by employment rules, healthcare costs and pension plans.

  结构剖析:本句的主干是The phenomenon provides a way,后面的for companies to remain globally competitive修饰a way ,作定语。while之后的现在分词结构avoiding market cycles and the growing burdens...作状语,其中avoiding的.逻辑主语是前面的带两个宾语,一个是market cycles ,另一个是the growing burdens ...,而过去分词结构imposed by employment rules, healthcare costs and pension plans又作the growing burdens的定语。





  market cycle市场周期



  Women who live in areas of high air pollution, exposed to invisible particles from traffic fumes, coal-fired power stations and wood fores, are at increased risk of heart disease and death, according to a study.


  expose v.揭露,揭发;暴露

  Invisible a.无形的,看不见的

  Risk n.风险

  According to 根据


  主系表结构。句子主干是women are at increased risk of heart disease and death,定语从句who live in areas of high air pollution修饰主语women,过去分词短语exposed to invisible particles from traffic fumes, coal-fired power stations and wood fores做主语women的后置定语,句子末尾的according to a study做全句的状语。









  The boy (主语) likes (谓语) English (宾语).


  The clever boy likes English.

  The boy with a book in his hand likes English.

  The boy who is full of imagination likes English.

  The clever boy who is full of imagination with a book in his hand likes English.

  注:主语中心词为the boy, 可以通过加形容词、介词短语、定语从句及其组合等成分使主语复杂化,从而增加理解难度。考研翻译中的主语考点多为修饰成分繁多的主语。


  The boy likes English very much.

  The boy likes English out of interest.

  The boy likes English influenced by his parents.

  The boy likes English, hoping that one day he can go abroad.

  The boy liked English when he was five years old.



  The boy likes American English.

  The boy likes English, the international language.

  The boy likes English which is the most widely spoken language in the world.

  The boy likes English spoken by many people nowadays.

  The boy likes English, a beautiful language, spoken by many people living in every corner of the world.



  The girl (主语) is (系动词) Mary (表语).


  The girl in a pink hat with a book in her hand is probably Mary a kind-hearted girl of inexhaustible energy which often amazes her classmates.






  The event amazed the world.

  What happened on July 15, 20xx amazed the world.

  To hold the 20xx Olympics in China amazes the world.

  Holding the 20xx Olympics in China amazed the world.

  That China is to hold the 20xx Olympics amazes the world.



  He can hear me.

  He can hear the strange sound.

  He can hear anything happening in the building.

  He can hear the sound from that building.

  He can hear a girl crying in the building.

  He can hear whatever happens in the building.

  He decided to check what’s going on in the building.

  He considered going to the building for a look.





  They are beautiful.

  They are in the zoo.

  They are beautiful animals in the zoo.

  They are interested in the new invention.

  To see is to believe.

  That is what we are talking about.

  注:由此可见,充当表语的成分繁多,有形容词(短语),介词短语,动词不定式(短语),分词(短语),名词,表语从句。考研翻译中若这些充当表语的成分变得更长一些,要注意识别。 三、示例


  But science does provide us with the best available guide to the future, and it is critical that our nation and the world base important policies on the best judgments that science can provide concerning the future consequences of present actions.


  并列句。第一个分句主干:science does provide us。其中with the best available guide to the future为状语修饰provide, the best available和to the future分别为guide的前置定语和后置定语,由此本句宾语被复杂化: 第二个分句主干:it is critical that...,其中,it为形式主语,that从句为真正的主语,从句主语为名词短语our nation and the world, base...on...为固定搭配,第二个that从句为judgments的定语从句,分词结构concerning...为judgments的后置定语。


  To be sure, he performs an impressive variety of interesting compositions, but it is not necessary for me to visit Avery Fisher Hall, or anywhere else, to hear interesting orchestral music.


  分析:本句由连词but连接的两个分句组成。第一个分句中,To be sure为插入语,在句中起强调作用。第二个分句中,it为形式主语,真正的主语是不定式to visit Avery Fisher Hall…,for me是不定式的逻辑主语,即visit这个动作的发出者,to hear interesting orchestral music则是第二个分句的目的状语。


  impressive [im'presiv](adj.)给人印象深刻的(CET-4)(ive-的.)


  ●impress [im'pres](vt.)压印;给…留下印象,使铭记(高考词汇)(im=in-向里,press-按,压 → 向里压、向里按——即“压印”,引申为“给…留下印象,使铭记”。)

  visit ['vizit](v./n.)参观,访问(中考词汇)(vis-词根,看,it-词根,走 → 边走边看——即““参观,访问””)


  ●visitor [vizit](n.)参观者,访问者;来客(中考词汇)(or-表人)

  hall [h:l](n.)门厅;走廊,过道(中考词汇)(h-无意义,all=cell-单人房间、单人牢房 → 源于“门厅、走廊”就像“单人房间”一样狭窄。)




  ●lobby ['lbi](n.)门厅;(会议)休息室(CET-6、考研词汇)(有学者认为,lo=lay-放置;躺,bby=body-身体[d-b反向同源] → 放躺身体休息的地方——即“门厅;(会议室的)休息厅”;因为摆放着沙发的“门厅”和“(会议)休息室”都是供客人临时休息的地方。)

  ●lounɡe [laund](n.)休息室;躺椅,卧榻(vi.)(懒洋洋地)倚靠,躺(高考词汇)(lo=lobby-休息室;unɡ=bench-长椅,e-尾缀 → 摆放在休息室里的长椅——即“躺椅,卧榻”,引申为“(懒洋洋地)倚靠,躺”。)

  考点搭配:cocktail lounge 鸡尾酒会


  【提要】考研英语信息 : 20xx考研英语:长难句练习及解析【29】

  Questions are increasingly being asked by the councils about how they can be sure that misconduct is not taking place on the grants they provide.


  increasingly ad.越来越多地,渐增地

  council n.委员会,会议

  misconduct n.不端行为,处理不当

  grant n.拨款,授予物,同意


  本句主干为Questions are increasingly being asked about...,动作实施者by the councils构成了分隔结构,将ask和about分开。在翻译时,我们可以化被动为主动,the council are increasingly asking questions about...,由介词about后的.宾语由how they can be sure...充当。




  The engines would have variable nozzles, which would be fully opened on take-off and landing, so that the exhaust would be slow and relatively quiet, and narrowed when the aircraft was cruising, providing the necessary speed.


  variable a.易变的,多变的

  exhaust n.排气,废气,排气管

  relatively ad.相当地,相对地 take-off起飞


  本句主句为The engines would have variable nozzles。其后的定语从句比较复杂,以逗号后and为切入点,得到which would be fully opened...and narrowed...,关系代词which指代先行词nozzles在从句中作主语。其中so that引导的结果状语从句so that the exhaust would be slow and relatively quiet说明(nozzles)would be fully opened on take-off and landing情况发生时所产生的结果,句末的现在分词结构providing the necessary speed作(nozzles)would be narrowed when the aircraft was cruising情况发生时的伴随结果,其中when引导的'从句作时间状语。




  Drivers can instructed their car stereos to “play similar”, promoting the system to call up songs in the same musical genre.

  【核心词汇】instruct v.指导,命令 prompt v.促进,指示

  【结构分析】本句主干是主谓宾结构:Drivers can instructed their car stereos to “play similar”。现在分词结构 promoting the system to call up songs in the same musical genre做instructed...的宾语。



  【必备金句1】The organization of districts that meet the criteria suggested would make it possible to resolve the small-school problem in all except isolated and sparsely populated areas where such schools may have to be continued regardless of higher costs.

  【词汇及词组】criteria (判断的) 标准

  resolve 解决〔问题、困难〕;下决心(resolve to do sth)

  isolated 〔建筑物、村庄等〕孤零零的,偏僻的;〔人〕孤单的,孤独的

  sparsely populated 人口稀少的

  regardless of 不管

  【结构精析】本句的主干是The organization of districts would make it possible to resolve the small-school problem in all except isolated and sparsely populated areas. 其中that meet the criteria suggested 是The organization of districts的后置定语从句,where such schools may have to be continued regardless of higher costs在句中作isolated and sparsely populated areas的后置定语从句。


  【必备金句2】While warnings are often appropriate and necessary – the dangers of drug interactions, for example – and many are required by state or federal regulations, it is not clear that they actually protect the manufacturers and sellers from liability if a customer is injured.

  【词汇及词组】appropriate 恰当的;合适的

  regulation 规则;条例;法令

  liability 〔尤指法律上对还款、赔偿等的〕责任,义务

  【结构精析】本句的主干是it is not clear that they actually protect the manufacturers and sellers from liability if a customer is injured. 而While warnings are often appropriate and necessary and many are required by state or federal regulations是本句的让步状语从句。(注意:while除了可以引导时间状语从句,还可引导让步状语从句,大家在理解句子时要注意区分该词的用法),在让步状语从句中,the dangers of drug interactions, for example 为插入语,对第一个让步小分句进行补充说明。

  【参考翻译】尽管警告常常是适当而且必须的——比如对于药物相互作用的危险提出警告——许多警告还是按州或联邦政府规定要求给出的,然而(我们) 并不清楚,如果顾客受到伤害时,这些警告是不是确实可以使得生产者和销售者豁免责任。




  Television is one of the means by which these feelings are created and conveyed—and perhaps never before has it served so much to connect different peoples and nations as in the recent events in Europe.


  1. serve to起作用,有助于;为...服务

  2.convey [kn'vei] v.传达,运输


  本句由两个并列句组成,第一分句包含一个which引导的定语从句,句子的主干为television is one of the means,第二个分句是一个倒装句,其正常顺序应该是it has never served so much to connect different peoples and nations as in the recent events in Europe before(就加强不同的民族和国家之间的联系而言,电视以前还从来没有像在最近的欧洲事件中那样起过如此大的作用)。




  Being interested in the relationship of language and thought,Whorf developed the idea that the structure of language determines the structure of habitual thought in a society.


  1.habitual [h'bitjul] a.习惯性的

  2.determine [di't:min] v.决定


  此句的主干为Whorf developed the idea(Whorf形成了这样的观点),现在分词短语Being interested in the relationship of language and thought(对语言与思维的关系很感兴趣)作状语,that the structure of language determines the structure of habitual thought in a society(在一个社会中,语言的结构决定习惯思维的结构)是the idea的同位语从句,说明是什么样的idea,是idea的内容。




  Such behaviour is regarded as “all too human”,with the underlying assumption that other animals would not be capable of this finely developed sense of grievance.


  1. underlying [,nd'laii]a.潜在的

  2. capable ['keipbl] a.有能力的

  3.grievance ['ɡri:vns] n.抱怨,不平,不满,埋怨

  4.assumption ['smpn] n.假设(动词原形为assume)


  本句的主干是Such behaviour is regarded as “all too human”( 这种行为被看作是“人之常情”),介词短语with the underlying assumption that other animals would not be capable of this finely developed sense of grievance.是伴随状语,而that引导的同位语从句that other animals would not be capable of this finely developed sense of grievance(其他动物不可能具有如此高度发达的埋怨意识)解释前面的名词assumption。




  The study shows that nearly half the organizations featured in the Times Top 100 Graduates Employers plan to expand their graduate programs this year, increasing the total number of vacancies available for new graduates by more than 10 percent compared with 20xx recruitment levels.

  【核心词汇】graduate a.毕业生 v.毕业 vacancy n.空缺,空位 recruitment n.补充,征募新兵 compared with与……相比

  【结构分析】本句是复合句。主干是主谓宾结构,其中谓语shows的宾语由that引导的.名词性从句that nearly half the organizations featured in the Times Top 100 Graduates Employers plan to expand their graduate programs this year充当。现在分词结构increasing the total number of vacancies available for new graduates by more than 10 percent compared with 20xx recruitment levels作状语从句,可以理解为结果状语,by表示增加的幅度。句末的过去分词结构compared with 20xx recruitment levels作比较状语。



  Besides, this is unlikely to produce the needed number of every kind of professional in a country as large as ours and where the economy is spread over so many states and involves so many international corporations.


  involve v.涉及,卷入

  professional n. 专业人员a.专业的,职业的

  spread v.伸展,延展

  corporation n.企业,社团,公司


  本句主干是 this is unlikely to produce the needed number of every kind of professional,这里的主语this指的是文章中的professional training,接着的地点状语in a country,其中country后面带了两个定语,前一个是形容词性的短语as large as ours,后一个是where引导的定语从句where the economy is spread over so many states and involves so many international corporations,而这个从句的主语the economy有两个谓语动词is和involves,后面都用了相似的结构so many,表示强调。




  Having succeeded as a convenient vehicle for every conceivable political and commercial slogan, the threads themselves are becoming the newest message, logically enough.


  succeed v.成功,继承

  convenient a.方便的

  vehicle n.车辆,工具,媒介

  commercial a.商业的,盈利的'

  conceivable a.可能的,想得到的

  slogan n.标语,呐喊声

  thread n.衣服,线状物

  logically ad.逻辑上,合乎逻辑


  本句为主从复合句。本句中的主语与从句中的主语一致,从句中省去主谓,造成分词作伴随状语的形式。主句部分是the threads themselves are becoming the newest message, logically enough.,句末的logically enough是状语。




  It is difficult to the point of impossibility for the average reader under the age of forty to imagine a time when high-quality arts criticism could be found in most big-city newspapers.


  high-quality a. 高质量的

  criticism n.批评,批判


  it作形式主语,动词不定式短语to imagine a time when high-quality arts criticism could be found in most big-city newspapers在句中充当实际主语。其中的for average reader under the age of forty是动词不定式短语中imagine这一动作的真正施动者,to the point of 表示“达到……的程度”,to the point of impossibility表示“达到几乎不可能的程度”。另外,该短语中的when high-quality arts criticism could be found in most big-city newspapers是定语从句,用来修饰其前面表示时间概念的'名词time。













